elixir / 1.9.4 / config.reader.html /


API for reading config files defined with Config.

As a provider

Config.Reader can also be used as a Config.Provider. When used as a provider, it expects a single argument: which the configuration path (as outlined in Config.Provider.config_path/0) for the configuration to be read and loaded during the system boot.



merge(config1, config2)

Merges two configurations.

read!(file, imported_paths \\ [])

Reads the configuration file.

read_imports!(file, imported_paths \\ [])

Reads the given configuration file alongside its imports.


merge(config1, config2)


merge(keyword(), keyword()) :: keyword()

Merges two configurations.

The configurations are merged together with the values in the second one having higher preference than the first in case of conflicts. In case both values are set to keyword lists, it deep merges them.


iex> Config.Reader.merge([app: [k: :v1]], [app: [k: :v2]])
[app: [k: :v2]]

iex> Config.Reader.merge([app: [k: [v1: 1, v2: 2]]], [app: [k: [v2: :a, v3: :b]]])
[app: [k: [v1: 1, v2: :a, v3: :b]]]

iex> Config.Reader.merge([app1: []], [app2: []])
[app1: [], app2: []]

read!(file, imported_paths \\ [])


read!(Path.t(), [Path.t()]) :: keyword()

Reads the configuration file.

The same as read_imports!/2 but only returns the configuration in the given file, without returning the imported paths.

It exists for convenience purposes. For example, you could invoke it inside your mix.exs to read some external data you decided to move to a configuration file:

releases: Config.Reader.read!("rel/releases.exs")

read_imports!(file, imported_paths \\ [])


read_imports!(Path.t(), [Path.t()]) :: {keyword(), [Path.t()]}

Reads the given configuration file alongside its imports.

It accepts a list of imported_paths that should raise if attempted to be imported again (to avoid recursive imports).

It returns a tuple with the configuration and the imported paths.

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