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class mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider. AxesDivider ( axes, xref=None, yref=None ) [source]

Bases: mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.Divider

Divider based on the pre-existing axes.

axes Axes
append_axes ( position, size, pad=None, add_to_figure=<deprecated parameter>, **kwargs ) [source]

Create an axes at the given position with the same height (or width) of the main axes.



size and pad should be axes_grid.axes_size compatible.

get_anchor ( ) [source]

Return the anchor.

get_aspect ( ) [source]

Return aspect.

get_position ( ) [source]

Return the position of the rectangle.

get_subplotspec ( ) [source]
new_horizontal ( size, pad=None, pack_start=False, **kwargs ) [source]

Add a new axes on the right (or left) side of the main axes.

size axes_size or float or str

The axes width. float or str arguments are interpreted as axes_size.from_any(size, AxesX(<main_axes>)).

pad axes_size or float or str

Padding between the axes. float or str arguments are interpreted as axes_size.from_any(size, AxesX(<main_axes>)). Defaults to rcParams["figure.subplot.wspace"] (default: 0.2) times the main axes width.

pack_start bool

If False, the new axes is appended at the end of the list, i.e., it became the right-most axes. If True, it is inserted at the start of the list, and becomes the left-most axes.


All extra keywords arguments are passed to the created axes. If axes_class is given, the new axes will be created as an instance of the given class. Otherwise, the same class of the main axes will be used.

new_vertical ( size, pad=None, pack_start=False, **kwargs ) [source]

Add a new axes on the top (or bottom) side of the main axes.

size axes_size or float or str

The axes height. float or str arguments are interpreted as axes_size.from_any(size, AxesY(<main_axes>)).

pad axes_size or float or str

Padding between the axes. float or str arguments are interpreted as axes_size.from_any(size, AxesY(<main_axes>)). Defaults to rcParams["figure.subplot.hspace"] (default: 0.2) times the main axes height.

pack_start bool

If False, the new axes is appended at the end of the list, i.e., it became the right-most axes. If True, it is inserted at the start of the list, and becomes the left-most axes.


All extra keywords arguments are passed to the created axes. If axes_class is given, the new axes will be created as an instance of the given class. Otherwise, the same class of the main axes will be used.

Examples using mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.AxesDivider

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