numpy / 1.21.4 / reference / generated / numpy.polynomial.chebyshev.chebyshev.basis.html /



classmethod polynomial.chebyshev.Chebyshev. basis ( deg, domain=None, window=None ) [source]

Series basis polynomial of degree deg.

Returns the series representing the basis polynomial of degree deg.

New in version 1.7.0.

deg int

Degree of the basis polynomial for the series. Must be >= 0.

domain {None, array_like}, optional

If given, the array must be of the form [beg, end], where beg and end are the endpoints of the domain. If None is given then the class domain is used. The default is None.

window {None, array_like}, optional

If given, the resulting array must be if the form [beg, end], where beg and end are the endpoints of the window. If None is given then the class window is used. The default is None.

new_series series

A series with the coefficient of the deg term set to one and all others zero.

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