numpy / 1.21.4 / reference / generated / numpy.polynomial.hermite_e.hermepow.html /


polynomial.hermite_e. hermepow ( c, pow, maxpower=16 ) [source]

Raise a Hermite series to a power.

Returns the Hermite series c raised to the power pow. The argument c is a sequence of coefficients ordered from low to high. i.e., [1,2,3] is the series P_0 + 2*P_1 + 3*P_2.

c array_like

1-D array of Hermite series coefficients ordered from low to high.

pow integer

Power to which the series will be raised

maxpower integer, optional

Maximum power allowed. This is mainly to limit growth of the series to unmanageable size. Default is 16

coef ndarray

Hermite series of power.


>>> from numpy.polynomial.hermite_e import hermepow
>>> hermepow([1, 2, 3], 2)
array([23.,  28.,  46.,  12.,   9.])

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