Getting Started

The following tutorial uses the mongo shell to insert data and perform query operations.

MongoDB Compass is the GUI for MongoDB. The following tutorial uses MongoDB Compass to connect to insert data and perform query operations.

The following tutorial uses the PyMongo Python driver to insert data and perform query operations.

The following tutorial uses the MongoDB Node.js Driver to insert data and perform query operations.


This tutorial requires you to be connected to one of the following:

  • MongoDB Atlas Free Tier Cluster. MongoDB Atlas is a fast, easy, and free way to get started with MongoDB. To learn more, see the Getting Started with Atlas tutorial.
  • Local MongoDB installation. For more information on installing MongoDB locally, see Install MongoDB.

Insert Documents

db.collection.insertMany() can insert multiple documents into a collection. Pass an array of documents to the method.

The following example inserts new documents into the inventory collection:

   // MongoDB adds the _id field with an ObjectId if _id is not present
   { item: "journal", qty: 25, status: "A",
       size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: "cm" }, tags: [ "blank", "red" ] },
   { item: "notebook", qty: 50, status: "A",
       size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, uom: "in" }, tags: [ "red", "blank" ] },
   { item: "paper", qty: 100, status: "D",
       size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, uom: "in" }, tags: [ "red", "blank", "plain" ] },
   { item: "planner", qty: 75, status: "D",
       size: { h: 22.85, w: 30, uom: "cm" }, tags: [ "blank", "red" ] },
   { item: "postcard", qty: 45, status: "A",
       size: { h: 10, w: 15.25, uom: "cm" }, tags: [ "blue" ] }

insertMany() returns a document that includes the newly inserted documents _id field values. See the reference for an example.

Use db.collection.insertOne() to insert a single document.

  1. Click Create Database.

    Screeenshot after connecting with the "Create Database" button.
  2. Enter “retail” for the Database Name and “inventory” for the Collection Name then click Create Database. For more information, see Databases and Collections.

    Screeenshot of a entering the database and collection names.
  3. From the Collections tab, click the “inventory” collection link.

  4. Click the Insert Document button.

    Screeenshot of the collection with the "Insert Document" button.
  5. Insert the following document by entering the fields and values, then selecting the appropriate types from the dropdowns. Add fields by clicking the last line number, then clicking Add Field After ….

    { item: "journal", qty: 25, status: "A",
        size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: "cm" }, tags: [ "blank", "red" ] }
    • For Object types, add nested fields by clicking the last field’s number and selecting Add Field After ….
    • For Array types, add additional elements to the array by clicking the last element’s line number and selecting Add Array Element After ….
    Adding a field and value to a document.
    Changing the type of a field-and-value pair.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add additional documents:

    { item: "notebook", qty: 50, status: "A",
        size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, uom: "in" }, tags: [ "red", "blank" ] },
    { item: "paper", qty: 100, status: "D",
        size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, uom: "in" }, tags: [ "red", "blank", "plain" ] },
    { item: "planner", qty: 75, status: "D",
        size: { h: 22.85, w: 30, uom: "cm" }, tags: [ "blank", "red" ] },
    { item: "postcard", qty: 45, status: "A",
        size: { h: 10, w: 15.25, uom: "cm" }, tags: [ "blue" ] }

pymongo.collection.Collection.insert_many() can insert multiple documents into a collection. Pass an array of documents to the method.

The following example inserts new documents into the inventory collection:

   # MongoDB adds the _id field with an ObjectId if _id is not present
   { "item": "journal", "qty": 25, "status": "A",
       "size": { "h": 14, "w": 21, "uom": "cm" }, "tags": [ "blank", "red" ] },
   { "item": "notebook", "qty": 50, "status": "A",
       "size": { "h": 8.5, "w": 11, "uom": "in" }, "tags": [ "red", "blank" ] },
   { "item": "paper", "qty": 100, "status": "D",
       "size": { "h": 8.5, "w": 11, "uom": "in" }, "tags": [ "red", "blank", "plain" ] },
   { "item": "planner", "qty": 75, "status": "D",
       "size": { "h": 22.85, "w": 30, "uom": "cm" }, "tags": [ "blank", "red" ] },
   { "item": "postcard", "qty": 45, "status": "A",
       "size": { "h": 10, "w": 15.25, "uom": "cm" }, "tags": [ "blue" ] }

insert_many() returns a document that includes the newly inserted documents _id field values. See the reference for an example.

Use pymongo.collection.Collection.insert_one() to insert a single document.

Collection.insertMany() can insert multiple documents into a collection. Pass an array of documents to the method.

The following example inserts new documen